Schaumburg Recap / Briefing by Royce Hood
The Law of Life Summit in Schaumburg was the first ever mega-Summit. Consisting of 2-jam-packed-days filled with workshops, panels and networking. We also produced the first ever Celebration of Life Dinner and Concert. Here are the details:
The Summit panels were sponsored and presented by a number of pro-life organizations. The Summit kicked off with Janet Morana who is the founder of Silent No More. Janet presented details on her new book entitled Everything you need to know about abortion for teens.
Lauren Muzyka, Founder, President and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, hosted a panel discussion featuring Karen Garnett from Heroic Media and Tracy Winsor from Be Not Afraid. I was honored to fill in on Lauren’s panel on behalf of Jill Stanek who was unable to attend. Topics ranged from sidewalk advocacy to strategy to medical and prenatal diagnosis.
Next came the firehose session. Details below.