Rosary for the Unborn Recorded by Elise with Fulton in utero - Law of Life Summit Rosary for the Unborn Recorded by Elise with Fulton in utero - Law of Life Summit

Rosary for the Unborn (rough draft mix)

Elise recorded the rosary every night while pregnant with baby Fulton.  We wanted to capture the audio of her recording the rosary while Fulton was still with us.  This recording was made a few weeks before Fulton was due to be born.   We also invited Fulton’s siblings, Ava, Gabriel, Augustine, Leo and Royce Aaron to participate with the responses.   Royce Aaron was a bit too young so he just sort of ran around the studio making loud noises while we recorded.  🙂     Leo tried to get the timing down but thought it was all very funny with the microphones.   So eventually we settled with Ava, Gabriel and Augustine.   Now we’ve said the rosary plenty of times as a family at home.  Something about being in the studio was especially exciting for the kiddos.  Ultimately we brought in a few of Fulton’s older cousins who lived nearby to help with the responses.  Editing the mix with all the different voices was a little challenging (to get the timing to line up).   But nonetheless it was so much fun making this recording!   And it was an incredible memory to share this time with Elise and the kids.

We may re-record a few parts or we may just leave it as is.  Either way our hope is for people listening to recognize the gift of the rosary.  These prayers lifted us up during the pregnancy and they continue to lift us up today.   Every life is a gift!

Please let us know what you think!

To listen click below the play button below.    Feel free to provide feedback.