Fulton’s friends:
Thank you so much for all of the love, sacrifice and prayers offered on our behalf. Fulton’s life on earth has ended but his work in eternal life has just begun. With your help we are certain Fulton’s story will continue to touch hearts.

It has been an incredible journey during which we have met some amazing people. People who offer up their own suffering for others. We have been introduced to children who in all their innocence call churches to have masses said for strangers. People who generously offer to help, support and pray for those in need. Truly there are future saints among you reading this. Certainly we are all called to be saints.
We hope Fulton’s story can help others to accept God’s will and to respect the dignity of each human life. Everyone, including Fulton, has a God-given purpose. We wanted to take a moment and recognize a few organizations and ministries that showed us love and shared Fulton’s story. Please consider visiting their websites and supporting them if you feel so called:
In no particular order (and please forgive us if anyone was left out):
Foundation of Jesus The Divine Mercy: Spreading the message of The Divine Mercy by performing Works of Mercy and uniting Families in prayer through the Immaculate Heart of Mary for worldwide healing and the hope of “new life” on earth.
Be Not Afraid: Providing free parent-centered case management and peer support to parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis.
The Catholic Post: The newspaper of the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois.
Preborn Jesus Ministry: A Labor of Love modeled after the Mother of the Word Incarnate. “Behold, Thou Shalt Conceive In They Womb And Shall Bring Forth A Son; And Thou shalt Call His Name Jesus …” Luke 1:31
Now I lay Me Down to Sleep: Providing the gift of remembrance portraits to parents experiencing the death of a baby.
St. Jude Catholic School: Committed to immersing students in the Catholic faith and challenging them to reach their highest potential intellectually, spiritually and physically. Supported by a vibrant parish as well as the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.
St. Jude Catholic Parish: A vibrant parish with a mission to make disciples who know, love and serve Christ.
Priests for Life: Special thanks to Janet Morana for sharing our story on her program Just Ask Janet Live.
EWTN Pro-Life Weekly: Every week Catherine Hadro and a team of pro-life experts shine the light of truth on abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide and the culture of death.
Catholic News Agency: Catholic news, a service of EWTN News.
Catholic News Service: Founded in 1920 by the United States Bishops. Dedicated to catholic news.
CareNotes.com: Offering inspirational booklets on a variety of topics to help individuals heal mind, body and spirit.
Abbey Caskets: A work of Saint Meinrad Archabbey. Fulton’s casket was handmade by these Abbey Monks.
A few groups who we are connected with and who have offered us love and prayer:
Please forgive us if we have left anyone out. Feel free to email us if we did.

We must also recognize the countless individuals who have offered us love, prayers and support. You know who you are. I’ve thought about posting names of our friends, many of whom are new, but I think it’s best to just say we have been so blessed with your kindness. Please know how much we have relied on your prayers during this journey. You truly have lifted us up.
During our journey we were introduced to several incredible individuals, some of whom are just children, who offered their own suffering on behalf of Fulton. When the time is right we may share their stories. In the meantime, will you join us in praying for all those who suffer with:
- Challenging pregnancies
- Medical issues
- Mental health challenges
- Addiction
Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us. Ven. Fulton Sheen pray for us. Our dear Fulton Joseph, please pray for us.
Yours in Christ,